Saturday, November 16, 2024

Orange Man and The Tribulation

 Some have been quick to dismiss the idea that the orange man could be the anti-Christ, or the rider on the white horse in Rev 6.  This servant is not dogmatic about the idea but has his mind open to possibilities.  There are a number of reasons why people should not be so quick to dismiss:

1.  Just because a particular human being is not the AC today does not mean they will not be the AC in the future.  What is going to make the AC, the AC will be when the spirit of AC enters that person, not who they are before that time.  This nobody believes there have been a number of AC potential vessels lined up over the years anyone of which could be used when the time was right.

2.  A look around at the landscape today shows a world that has been primed for the time of Jacob's trouble.  If the world is near that time then the necessary actors/players would also be on or around the scene to make that time work as intended (including the AC and or the rider on the white horse if you do not believe the AC is the rider on the white horse).

3.  Speaking of end time and time of Jacob's trouble, over the past week or so the world has been barraged with the alien narrative.  And it just so happens that the alien narrative is the number one candidate in this servant's mind for the great deception written about in 2 Thess 2:

8And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming. 9The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, 10and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, 12in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Some of this deception groundwork goes way back: video here.

Article on congressional hearing here.

Netflix series on now called "investigation alien."  In that show and especially on Netflix they hint at "classified sources" and other such nonsense.  Nothing would get released and or shown on Netflix if it was not fully sanctioned by the globalists establishment.

Another Netflix series that points to this idea recently is "Ancient Apocalypse: The Americas" which goes in depth on huge megalithic structures that could only be created by guess who?  (see the three references immediately above...)

And all this ^^^ leads us back to the current rapture/harpazo/escape window that is currently open.  To be fair, the escape from all could take place any day however we would be wise to pay attention anytime our attention is drawn to certain seasons like right now.

Another reason people should not be so dismissive is we are clearly told one of the hallmarks of the end time would be deception.  In fact, the deception would be so good it would almost fool the elect:

Matt 24:24

For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

Maybe we should be less dogmatic and more focused on Christ Jesus.  The nobody who writes to you could care less about "being right" per se but does care alot about doing a great job for our Master in Heaven.  This servant is willing to turn on a dime if thats what the Spirit wants.  We are all flawed and imperfect humans which is why each and every one of us must get down on our knees and get our own direct communication from the Lord.

We might be outa here sooner than we think.  Not because we messed something up or whatever but because things are moving along quickly and the Lord God has a time in mind when to pull the plug that also gives us some extra time to get our work done here on earth.  To the best of this nobody's understanding timing can change depending on what the Lord decides.  However the cast of characters on the earth today plus the layout of the game board indicates we are in prime time for possible "show time."  We need to be ready for whatever.  It has been said here over and over we must be ready to leave immediately and we must be ready to stay and work.  We can do both, we have been doing both for years and years and years.

The way to do this most effectively right now is by keeping our eyes on Jesus Christ day in and day out.  We must be in constant communication with Him.  Lets see what happens.  Keep your mind open to all possibilities and take everything in prayer to the Lord to vet every piece of information that comes to your attention.  We all must do this.

Exciting times.  This ride will not be boring :)

Glory to God

grace and peace