Saturday, November 09, 2024

Phase 2 Rapture Ready

 Phase 3-The Tribulation?

As a reminder, Phase 1 was pre-election through election day

Phase 2-election day-inauguration day

Phase 3-inauguration day and afterward

On this side of election day the Spirit of the Lord has impressed this nobody with a few things that make this servant believe more likely than not we are looking at the Rapture of the Church/Harpazo and Tribulation rather than an extended new golden age of grace on this earth.  Why is that?

1.  The orange man is not a Christian, never said he was and does not need to be to serve the Lord's purposes (Cyrus was not a Christian or Jew and he delivered Israel from Babylon).

2.  The orange man sold us down the river with the scamdemic, fauci, deep state appointments throughout his cabinet.

3. The Elon Musk nexus is very concerning.  Elon just tweeted a photo of him and Trump with "new world order" as its title.  We can make excuses for him and the orange man all we want but we need to look at the facts objectively.  Elon is now in a position at Trumps right hand to speed up two of the important end time, anti-Christ systems necessary to implement the mark of the beast: 1. neuralink and 2. starlink.  Neuralink is a brain body chip/AI interface and Starlink is an array of satellites overhead that can track anything on the earth wherever it is on the earth.  

4.  Less than a week removed from the election there are already disturbing signs that the Church is headed right back into apathy and complacency.  There are also signs that the Church sees the orange man as a "savior" instead of a tool.

5.  The setup on the global chess board.  Israel is ready to build the third temple and Trump has already advertised his desire to ride out on a white horse (Rev 6:1) for Ukraine/Russia and Israel.

6.  The lack of deep state resistance to calling the election is indicative of a redirection.  In football, when a defensive lineman goes to rush the quarterback only to find token resistance from the offensive line, its usually because of a screen play or misdirection play.  "They" had an army of lawyers ready to fight, recount, etc which could have taken weeks but instead they rolled over in one day.  Curious, and it stinks to high heaven.

Now, some might ask "but brother D what about pressing into the best/highest versions of ourselves to serve the Kingdom?"  Yep, that works perfectly for either scenario: stay or go.  What about praying for repentance, revival and righteousness?  That too works perfectly for either scenario: stay or go.

The Lord told us of a great deception that would be foisted on the world to deceive even the elect if that were possible:

2 Thess 2

5Don’t you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things? 6And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. 7For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. 8And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. 9The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

When the rapture takes place it will likely cause initial grief but then result in one of the greatest revivals ever.  So all the pieces still fit, either way this goes.

The nobody who writes to you today counsels you to be ready to leave this earth.  We need to keep our eyes on Christ and be ready to leave.  There is alot going on to distract the masses.  We need to be sensitive to the Spirit of God.  The soon to be Bride of Christ needs to get her garments perfect in preparation for the arrival of the Bridegroom.  This world is setup perfectly for the rapture and tribulation right now.

The good news is we do not have long to wait to find out which way this goes.  Right now, we need to stay on our knees in prayer and fasting and at the top of our game in every way possible.  Phase 1 is over and Phase 2 has just begun.  If we are about to leave we need to be watching and ready for it.  If we are going to stay there is alot of prayer preparation of the battlefield that needs to take place.  What we have to do here is simple, keep our eyes on Christ.  The deception taking place in this world is staggering, thankfully we do not have to figure it all out.  We are here to support our Lord's Kingdom and restrain/war against the enemy's kingdom.

When the Lord God gives us clues that we could be close to leaving.  We need to be paying attention and ready.  We should not require a cattle prod to get us to watch and be ready, especially after what we went through in phase 1.

To summarize what is above, the setup looks about perfect for the rapture to take place and the tribulation to start in short order.  The next window that has caught this servant's attention is 11/11-11/18.  So while the world fixates on the orange man let us stay down on our knees seeking the Lord Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.  We do that and we will not miss whatever He has for us in the days ahead.

Glory to God

grace and peace