Sunday, November 24, 2024

Thanksgiving Day Rapture Watch 2024

 The nobody who writes to you today believes we could be pulled out of this world at any time now.  It has come to this servants attention that this Thanksgiving day is a possible nexus for our departure.  It has been said here over and over it could be any day, so when one day stands out even just a little bit we need to be paying attention.

In years past the Lord impressed upon this nobody that Thanksgiving should be considered one of our holy-days as it is a day where we focus on one thing that actually does matter which is giving thanks to God.  That single day should be a representation of every day thanksgiving and praise we give to our Creator.

The season we are in is special.  The cast of characters on the world scene today is special as well.  This servant believes everyone who needs to be on the earth to begin the time of Jacob's trouble is on the scene today.  The anti-Christ will not be known for sure until the vessel chosen for anti-Christ is inhabited by the spirit of anti-Christ.  

We need to keep our eyes on Christ.  He has had us in a process of lifting up, rising up into the believers we should be as part of a continuum that leads to actually rising up to meet Him in the clouds.  We might be there sooner than we think.

This servant debated whether or not to post this but the Lord insisted I had to as part of my duty as a watchman so here it is.

Be watching, be ready.

Glory to God

grace and peace