Friday, March 07, 2025

Alert: Praying and Fasting For Donald Trump

 This is part 2 of the prophetic word nexus the Lord has impressed upon the nobody writing to you today.  Part 1 is the first half, of todays first post here.  Part 2 is we need to pray and fast for Mr Trump.  If anyone has direct comms with him please suggest he de-risk his schedule around Purim 2025 from 3/13/25-3/15/25.  Purim 2025 is 3/13-14, but what is 3/15/25?  The Ides of March.  And what is that you ask?  It is the anniversary of Roman senators ass@assinating Julius Cesar.

Cesar huh?  The guy who developed the ideological framework that the Trump administration is operating to (Curtis Yarvin) calls it Caesarism.  There is now a direct ideological link between Trump and Caesar.  But neither Trump nor Caesar put a blood moon in sky on Purim 2025 and 2026.  The Lord God did that to warn us.  We now have more information on the blood moons as well courtesy of the Spirit of the Lord.  "They" would like to "decarbonize" the orange man on the Ides of March to make a statement.  However, when we fast and pray to prevent that and it does not happen on the Ides of March 2025 (we are believing our prayers are going to be answered and speaking it into existence here.), then a prophetic window opens up between Purim 2025 and Purim 2026.  The two blood moons are two book ends of the danger zone.  We have been warned.

But thats not all.  The initial information the Lord provided links Purim and an Ir@n @ttack.  Now that we have the part two information above, this makes more sense.  In that linked video, the orange man talks about what would happen if Ir@n tried to "decarbonize" him.  What is "decarbonizing" a human?  We are all carbon based life forms.  The enemy's secret little joke is that the war on carbon is actually a war on humanity.  So to "decarbonize" a human is to erase them from the earth.

The Ir@n @tt@ck is getting close, the orange man is telling us here.

Yes, we should continue to watch for the unexpected return of the Lord however we need to put our prayer and fasting for the orange man, his family and everyone in his administration in overdrive.  Based on the information provided by the Spirit of the Lord, "they" are going to try something stupid around Purim 2025 on the Ides of March.  Their problem is, now we know what they plan to do and their plans are now under binding and restraint.


We who believe, stand together with Almighty God and each other to bind, rebuke and restrain every plot, plan, agenda to harm the orange man, DJT or anyone in his family or administration.  We loose the angels who serve our Lord God to go forth and protect Donald Trump from every plot, plan and agenda against him, his family or administration.  We pray for a Divine hedge of protection around Mr Trump today and every day of his presidency.  We pray these things in Jesus Name. 


This one is very serious, the Lord gave us a week's warning-lets get on the prayer and fasting and stay on it.  Purim 2025 opens the window that lasts through Purim 2026.  "They" know if they dont do something about him now, at the speed things are progressing against them they will soon be out of time to do anything about it.  

Thanks be to God, He told us before anything happened.

Glory to God

grace and peace