Tuesday, March 18, 2025

The Battle and The Breakthrough

 A battle is raging right now because the enemy is on a rampage.  "They" are losing ground on many fronts and the enemy is not happy about it.  You might sense over the past days or week that the battle has shifted to another higher level.  It is not your imagination, the battle is real and your spirit is picking it all up.  That is the battle, we are praying and our prayers are getting answered.  The enemy is on the losing end of the stick.  We must follow through on our breakthrough of enemy lines.  We must exploit our success with more success.  We must follow through with relentless perseverance what has been started.  The enemy started this war thinking the Lord would be silent while the Church got attacked on every side.  Now that the Lord has raised a standard against the enemy, "they" know they were under a mistaken assumption.

If you look at the daily prayer target list you will see some big ticket items on it.  We are asking for the enemy to be routed and plundered, that is the short version of it.  We are asking this because the Spirit of the Lord impressed this, it is what He wants and we are in agreement.  This servant believes the Lord God is about to do something in the not so distant future that is going to shock and confound the people of the earth.  This will not be new news to you if you are praying over the list every day with this servant.  The Lord God has plans to do more than all we could ask, think or imagine.  He has saved the best for last and we are to stand in agreement with what He is doing.

When the battle kicks up to higher levels, we need more spiritual "fuel" to keep our engines running.  Doing more "work" requires more fuel.  In times like right now, we need to top off our fuel tank more than once per day because the battle is real and it uses up real spiritual energy.  We recharge and refuel in Christ.  We go back to Him, back to His Word, back to praise, rejoicing, and thanksgiving as many times as it takes in a day to keep moving forward.  That is what matters, keep moving forward.  You dont have to run, you dont even have to walk, sometimes you might only be able to crawl but continue moving forward.

If you need to stop and refuel, by all means take a rest stop and do that but get back out on the battlefield as soon as you can and continue gaining ground.  Somebody needs to hear this today.  This servant needed to hear this today and the Lord provided.

Glory to God

grace and peace