Incredible reports of breakthrough in the UK. Revival is sweeping the Islands. The Lord God wants it all back. England, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, New Zealand, the Lord God has His Eyes on you. The fire of Revival is to sweep the UK and associated countries like a fire and the blazing embers will fall on Europe. Why? Because it is time. There is a time for all things under Heaven. It is time for Revival. It is time for Repentance and Righteousness to sweep this world one more time.
It is time for mankind to see the power of Almighty God in the land of the living, again. He does not have to use us, He chooses to use us. What He wants to do requires us to get up off our butt and go to work. Before that though He requires us to go deeper in our one on one relationship with Him. Our roots need to shoot down deeper in order for the tree of Faith to rise higher. It is time.
America needs to fan the flames of its own revival. Today we must go deeper into repentance, revival and righteousness and what comes out of it will be unstoppable. The enemy will have no answer for it. The Church is on the earth today for a reason. The darkness has had its day now its time to try the shoe on the other foot: Light. The Church on earth has a job to do and the time to do it is today. We do not know how much time we have left. By all indications, time is short. That could mean, day, weeks or months. We don't know and we don't need to know. What we need is to be watching and ready at all times.
Speaking of watching, there is a strong case for a spring time rapture/harpazo around the time of Purim/Passover. The story of Purim revolves around a bride being married to a king and an anti-Christ figure rises up to exterminate the Jews. Passover too blends and flows with the story of the Bride escaping judgement while hiding away behind protective Blood of the Lamb. The two coming blood moons on Purim suggest book ends on a time full of danger for Israel and this world. We already know "they" want to @tt@ck Ir@n and the various story lines proceeding from that idea which include an attempt on Mr Trump on the Ides of M@rch. The story line changes as we engage in prayer. Every peaceful quiet day we enjoy today is the direct result of the prayers of the saints.
Your prayers are working. Our prayers collectively are working. We are not doing this alone, we are standing in agreement with Him who wills it all forward. The work the Church does in the days ahead is to be a family thing. Yes, the Lord continues to use "business partners" many of whom are wolves in sheeps clothing because all things serve Him regardless of their motive. The important thing is His Will is done on this earth just as it is in Heaven.
Syria and the perecuted Christians there also need to come to the forefront of our prayers. We pray that the Diving Wrecking Ball sweeps through the oppressive and tyrannical governments/power centers in Syria and the Middle East. We pray for the Divine protection of believers everywhere in the Middle East. We pray that the war turn from a war on Christians to a war on those who oppress them. We ask it in Jesus Name.
Just because you do not see things with your own eyes, does not mean things are at a stand still. The Sprit of the Lord is VERY busy in the earth today as are the angels who serve Him. We join ourselves together with our Lord in the very center of His Will with all of our talents, skills and abilities to drive this juggernaut forward some more. Until all the work is done and every goal is achieved there will be no stopping, no let up, no breaks just unrelenting pressure on the objectives.
Well done to you who are praying. Let us continue the work until we do see with our own eyes what we have been praying for manifested in the earth.
Glory to God
grace and peace