The blood moons were on Purim which is an Israel/Iran story. The blood moons suggest trouble for Israel somewhere on the road ahead. Today we see the establishment beating the war drums again (senators and the orange man). All this trouble with Iran was already baked into the cake before the orange man took office and the whole world knows it. Now its a matter of timing and whether or not a deal can be accomplished.
There is alot wrapped up in this Iran/Israel Blood Moon deal. Everything from planned f@lse fl@gs against our people to orange man decarbonization, to WW3. We also know that the orange man administration telegraphed beforehand they plan to "deal with" Iran one way or the other. Depending on which path is taken to do this will determine the associated outcomes for the world.
There is alot going on with this but we do not need to get overwhelmed. What we do need to do is pray. We can pray for peace in the middle east. We can pray for the peace of Jerusalem and Iran. We can pray that if something messy is going to happen it does not happen on our watch. We who believe and pray can do something about everything. This is what we are here on earth for. There are events that can be postponed and those that cannot. Unless the Lord has told us "no, dont bother praying for that" then we should pray over everything, all the time.
As believers our default position is to pray for peace. When the enemy declares war on us, "they" are going to reap what they sow but we can still pray for peace while the enemy gets punished. The rhetoric is getting hot which means narrative preparation before the green light is given to do whatever they are going to do. In this case the orange man uses bluster and narrative control as one of the tools in his toolbox. So, this could all be to get Iran's attention and bring them to the table to make a deal. In any case, we need to pray over all of it. We need to pray for peace on our watch. The Lord has already told us through signs that we are now in the window for something to happen so do not go to sleep at the wheel...
Glory to God
grace and peace