Thursday, July 20, 2023

When You See Something, Pray Something: Rotten Politicians


83 Republicans vote against amendment to reinstate pilots fired for refusing COVID-19 vaccine

Those of us who believe can do something about everything through prayer.  Every one of these ^^ people needs to be sent packing.  We can offer prayers about everything, every time we see it.  If something bothers you, if you don't like it-pray it up.  There is no possible way to overload our Father with prayer.  Try it :)

This is total war and we need to pray like we are in a war.  We did not start this war, we did not ask for it but they have declared it so now its "game on."  At the end of this they will wish they didn't start it.  "They" are getting embarrassed already overseas in their war against "the bear."  Its time to put prayers on target against the Nazis/globalist/communists everywhere they are found.  These people are trying to wipe us from the face of the earth by every means possible.  If attempted genocide against a population isnt enough to motivate people, what is?  Especially when they themselves (all of us) are the targets of their aggression.

We need to pray day in and day out like our survival depends on it.  "They" have launched total war against humanity.  As another example of their total war against humanity: since they did not get enough people injected with their bioweapon, they are now putting it into the food supply.  We need to pray with a spreadsheet because the list of attack vectors is too many to continuously detail but this falls under:

2.  For protection of our:

Food supply

Water supply

Electrical grid/Electricity/Power of all types

Gas/Diesel-this is how food gets to the stores that feed us

Internet/Communication Systems

Road and Rail networks

Physical infrastructure

Let us stand in agreement with each other that these war criminals will fail.  

Glory to God

grace and peace