Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Why "They" Cannot Tolerate "The Bear"

 Article one here.

Article two here.

"The bear" does not have a bad case of AIDS (artificially inflated "diversity") nor do they tolerate the anti-Christ ideology of gay/lgbtqabcdefg.  The bear knows where that anti-Christ agenda leads and as of today they are having none of it.  Add to this the fact that the bear is really good at the game of chess (multiple world champions) and they are armed to the teeth and you can begin to understand that the globalists have a serious problem on their hands.  

All of this ^^ leads to new world disorder instead of the demonic world order "they" want.  So while we are praying lets take time to look around at all the places the enemy is getting their rear ends handed to them and thank the Lord God for His goodness in opposing everything that sets itself up in opposition to Him, His Kingdom and by extension us His children.

We do the praying and believing and the Lord God will do the answering.  We do not have to forecast and guesstimate how or when the Lord God will answer.  We know the Lord works in mysterious ways so we just have to patiently and persistently do our job and wait in expectation for the Lord's answers to our problems.

The Lord God is very good.  Glory to God.

grace and peace