Monday, October 21, 2024

Historic Voter Fraud Snapshot, This Time in Wisconsin

 Another swing state, another example of voter fraud.

We need to pray.  The orange man is not our savior, Jesus Christ is.  We are praying for the globalist narcissistic psychopath satanistists to be stopped.  The Lord God we pray to day and night is the only solution to that problem.  So as long as we the Church of Jesus Christ roam this earth.  We continue to engage as the Spirit leads us forward.  Pray about everything.  Every detail and every prayer matters.  Every mustard seed sized faith in every believer matters.

We are asking the Lord our God to have mercy on us just as He did for Nineveh.  We are asking for a stop to the tyranny, hypocrisy, lies and oppression.  We need to continue to pray.

Glory to God

grace and peace