Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Phase 2 and The Orange Man

 We are standing in agreement with the Lord our God and with each other that the orange man DJT will be the next president of the United States.  What we need to understand is this, the orange man can do nothing on his own.  The only possible way he has made it this far is by the grace of God Almighty and the cooperation of the Church.  This is a spiritual war, all out total war.  No one of us can stand on our own.  We can and will however do this together standing in agreement with each other and the Lord our God.  This is, and will be a family thing.

The apathy, complacency and corruption of churchianity past must be put down-forever.  The doctrine of devils Nicolaitanism of the past must be bound, restrained and rebuked immediately.  There are no "lay people" in the Body of Christ.  Why is all this important?  Because the enemy plans to being chaos and destruction from day 1 of the orange man taking office.  The attempts on the orange man will not stop until the Spirit of God has completely and thoroughly "cleaned" house of all the deep state, far left, communist, globalist, satanist narcissistic psychopaths.  And that will take some time.

So, if we want to remain free and not force vaxed zombies and impoverished slaves to the globalist demonic cult, it will require disciplined, persistent, every day prayer preparation of the battle field.  We will need to pray a hedge of protection over the orange man every day.  We need to loose angels who serve our Lord Jesus Christ to protect the orange man every day.  We must bind, rebuke and restrain every plot, plan, agenda and narrative that wages war against the orange man, our land and our families-every day.  What is needed today and in the days ahead is light years above and beyond "lay person" Christianity.  What is required is operation in all the spiritual gifts and abilities.  What is required is rising up into the full power and authority that is ours in Christ Jesus to move mountains, restore sight to the blind, raise the dead and much, much more.

It is way past time to stop "going" to Church and start "being" the Church.  We are at the end of one thing and the beginning of another.  This new thing the Lord is doing will require the best version of ourselves to get it done.  It is time to 1. identify what the best version of yourself looks like then 2. bring that best version into this world.  It is time to rise up, to press into the heights of our possibility and capability.  We are to bring the best version of ourselves to the mission/vision the Lord God has for each one of us.  We are here on this earth in this season for that exact, precise reason.

The difference between the orange man's first term and this one is the enemy ran roughshod over the landscape during season 1.  This time it will be much much different.  This time the Church has been called to the battle standard that the Lord God has raised against the enemy.  That means there will be active, direct opposition to everything and anything "they" try to do.  There already is active opposition to what they plan to do through our prayer preparation of the battlefield.  We are in the process of laying obstacles, snares and traps everywhere for the enemy's expected assault.  How is that happening?  We are praying resistance through our understanding and we are praying in tongues where the Spirit fills in all the many holes in our prayers with the fullness and totality of what is needed to accomplish the mission.

The Spirit of the Lord has opened the Lord's armory and all the spiritual weapons needed are available for use.  We are to employ everything.  This is total war.  We did not want this.  We did not ask for this, but here we are.  And, our Commander in Chief-the Lord God Almighty has taken up the challenge, thrown down the gauntlet and asked "are you sure you really want to do this?"  The enemy has responded by going all in, so now "its on."  The enemy and those humans who serve the enemy are about to find out what a terrible idea it was to declare war on Almighty God.

The Church is here for a reason.  The Church and the Spirit within the Church IS the restrainer that holds back the anti-Christ.  This is our job.  This is one thing among many things that falls directly into our job description as the Church.  Its time to go all in for the Lord our God because you can be sure the enemy has gone all in to destroy us, our children and everything else we care about in this world.

Glory to God

grace and peace