Friday, October 11, 2024

The Narcissistic Psychopath October Surprise

 When we see something, we pray something.  Today we have a new target to pray over, "their" "October surprise."  The current california communist candidate (C3) for president is losing badly.  What is the satanist next move? 10 or so days before the election Joey Diapers will step down and C3 will be sworn in as 47.  For the next 10 or so days the media machine will ramp up to 110% wall to wall propaganda telling the public how this is the greatest thing since sliced bread etc in order to boost C3s numbers temporarily with the intent of committing fraud on not just a large scale but an epic, legendary, over the top scale.

"They" plan to steal this one again and their plan to grease the skids for it is the Joey Diapers step down and C3 elevation leading into the epic level fraud.

We need to pray binding, and restraint over all of these plans.  We need to fast and pray for the destruction of their plans.  We need to pray for the dividing of their forces, confusion and division in their ranks.  We need to stand in agreement with each other and the Most High God that none of their plots, plans, narratives, false flags or "decarbonization" attempts succeed.  We need to loose the angels who serve the Lord our God to wage war upon the enemy's spiritual strongholds, every source of supply they use to wage war upon humanity day and night.  We bind all of it, we restrain all of it, we rebuke all of it.

We ask our Lord Father in Jesus Name to stretch out His hand against all of the plots, plans and narratives of the enemy that none of their plans will succeed.  The Spirit of the Lord exposes these things beforehand so that we who pray can move mountains into their path (to block them) while moving mountains out of our way so the path is straight before us.  We who believe can do something about everything.  There are zero "lay people" in the Body of Christ.  We are all mountain movers, water to wine changers, dead raisers, storm stoppers, and multitude feeders.  We can do all things through our Lord Jesus Christ.  It takes only a mustard seed sized faith to do all these things and surely many of us have more faith than a mustard sized seed.

This is total war and it will not stop until the enemies of Christ Jesus are defeated.  The only chance that the satanic psychopaths have is for the Church to be removed from the earth and the Lord God said no to that so its game on!  The Lord God has raised up a battle standard against the enemy.  Everyone who prays must join the fight.  Everyone who believes must engage with every fiber of their being.  This is total war.  "They" already tried to geno(ci)de millions of us with their bio(w)e(@)pon vax.  Now "they" are trying to finish the job with world war, invasion, starvation and every other tool at their disposal.  Our orders from the Most High God are to bind them, resist them, restrain them at every step.  Every plan, plot and narrative is to be opposed.  Not an additional single inch of ground to be ceded without an all out knock down drag out fight.  This is not the fight "they" hoped for but its the fight the Spirit of the Lord has ordered so again, game on.

"They" were mistaken when they assumed the orange man DJT stood on his own.  They did not see the Church behind the orange man and the Lord God Most High in and behind the Church.  So the way the shorthand math works out, "they" are at war with God Almighty.  This servant sees a very dim outlook on their future...

For now, we know what needs to be done.  Their plots, plans and agendas are being exposed and now we need to do prayer preparation of the battlefield.  Our prayers, fasting, binding and loosing, standing in agreement etc will all precede every step they take before they even take it.  Again, they are at war with Almighty God and He is a really good General :).  We know what we need to do, lets get'r done!

Glory to God

grace and peace