Thursday, October 17, 2024

Planned Mass, Epic, Historic Level Voter Fraud

 We need to continue praying resraint, and binding over the enemy plans to commit epic levels of voter fraud in the upcoming election.  They got caught, this time-with over 10 million fraudulent ballots and the USPS wants to protect the people behind it!  We know the game they want to play and we have to engage to stop it.  Remember to bind and restrain every plot, plan, agenda and narrative the enemy has to steal the upcoming election according to:

Matt 18:

18Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosedf in heaven. 19Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 20For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”

We stand in agreement with each other and with the Lord God Most High that nothing  "they" do will change the outcome of the upcoming election.  We loose the angels who serve the Most High God to go forth and expose and destroy every plot, plan, agenda and narrative that seeks to commit fraud or any other means to steal the next election.  We loose and bind in accordance to Matt 18.  We also pray to the Lord God that He will intervene on our behalf to have mercy on us in our time of need.  We pray and ask in Jesus name that the enemy will not be allowed to steal this election.  We pray and ask in Jesus name that the enemy will not be allowed to rule over us in oppression and tyranny.  

It is the prayers of the Church and the mercy of the Most High God that have prevented two decarbonization attempts on the orange man.  It is the prayers of the Church and the mercy of the Most High God that has exposed over 10 million fraudulent ballots from being delivered in Pennsylvania.  This latest expose is just more proof that "they" are committed to fraud, theft and whatever else it takes to steal the next election.  It will be the Lord God alone, in agreement with the Church that will stop this.

Continue to fast, pray and whatever else the Spirit of the Lord impresses you to do.  Time is short.

Glory to God

grace and peace