Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Departure or Falling Away?

 The idea of the rapture, or harpazo is very much hated by the enemy and much effort on "their" side has been exerted to deny/distort or otherwise dismiss the Word of God relating to this topic.  This goes well beyond just the idea of the sudden unexpected arrival of the Lord.  The weaponization by the enemy around this subject extends into the characterization of the Church in the last days.  Why would the enemy want to weaponize that?  The same reason the doctrine of the Nicolaitans is hated by the Lord, it dis-empowers the Church.

The highest form of warfare is information warfare.

Consider this weaponized passage and consider the implications:

2 Thess 2:3

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

The weaponized wording here is for the almost unanimous across every translation except one that interprets this word incorrectly:

the apostasyἀποστασία
646: defection, revoltfrom aphistémi

So lets go to the root word shall we?

aphistémi: To depart, withdraw, remove, desert, fall away

The word that is incorrectly across almost every translation translated as "apostasy, falling away, rebellion, whatever..." is actually at its root, primary meaning a departure...

A departure?  Yes, here is the one translation that has it right:

Literal Translations

Literal Standard Version
do not let anyone deceive you in any way, because if the departure may not come first, the man of lawlessness may [not] be revealed—the son of destruction,

"The departure" comes first, then the man of lawlessness may be revealed.  Well now, this makes things very inconvenient for the enemy in a number of ways.  Not only does it put into the spotlight rapture timing but it also uncovers the enemy's deeper level weaponization against the Church.

How does the the false translation of this passage war against the Church?  When the people of God read that at the end of the Church age there is a great apostasy, they think to themselves "who am I to oppose the will of God?"  Why pray for revival, and repentance and righteousness at the end?  Why finish strong if the end is preprogrammed to be apostasy?  Except that is not what the Word says...

This servant and others are hearing from the Spirit of the Lord the exact opposite.  The Church, the Bride is to finish the race in strength.  We are to leave here praying in the Kingdom of God and the Will of God.  We are finishing this race putting all the salt and light and life we can into this world before we leave it.  This servant has heard nothing from the Spirit of the Lord directing us into apostasy.  That would be stupid/nonsensical.

Revelation, the book this world is moving toward quickly is a revealing of things....

We are dispensing with the shackles placed on the Church by the doctrine of demons, Babylonian churchianity Nicolaitans.  There are ZERO "lay people" in the Body of Jesus Christ.  Period.  There are mountain movers, dead raisers, water to wine changers, those who feed thousands with a loaf of bread, but there are ZERO "lay people."  Let us now cast off the doctrine of demons end time "apostasy" instead of "departure" weaponized narrative.  This servant is hearing from the Lord on a daily basis that His Church is to rise up into the fullness of what He intended it to be before He comes back.

He is returning for a spotless Bride-let that sink in.  Yes, there will be some apostasy just as there will be many left behind when the Lord arrives unexpectedly but lets nail this down for ourselves.  At this late hour this servant is not interested in arguing with those who have sold themselves doctrinal error for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  At this stage we settle it for ourselves and move on to the Lord's Work and Will with the time we have left.

The "other tribbers" get red in the face with veins popping out of their neck mad over this subject because the enemy of Christ hates it.  In WW2 bomber pilots knew they were over the target when they started taking heavy anti-aircraft fire.  It is no different with the topic of the rapture/harpzao.

Glory to God

grace and peace