So far, here is the list of F's on the orange man's report card:
1. Orange man administration lied about the Ufo/Uap phenomenon. There absolutely was demonic, legitimate UFO UAP activity which they lied/deceived about saying they were doing FAA approved "research." Partially true, the "research" was man made drones up there observing the UFO UAPs so we are going to count that as a lie/obfuscation and an F for truthfulness.
2. Allowing the decimation of our food supply (chickens, eggs, cattle by the millions) with known faulty science PCR tests that diagnose nothing.
3. Bio we@pon collusion with Bill G@tes a known enemy of Christ and humanity. Now they are talking about rolling out more poison for humanity just as it happened during orange man 1.0.
If we stopped the list here ^^^ and never added another item to it, it is more than enough evidence that what is taking place under the orange mans administration needs some serious scrutiny. Is he doing some good things? Sure, but the poison bio we@p collusion with G@tes alone nullifies almost all the good.
We need to seek the Face of God over the time we have left on this earth. This world continues to march forward toward the time of Jacob's trouble through what you read above plus what is in the prophetic pipeline with the rebuilding of the third temple and everything else we are praying about. Also, the things Elon is working on with Neura link and Star link as well as "upgrading and updating government IT systems" all plays a part in the time of Jacob's trouble mark of the beast system.
The Lord's Will be done on this earth-that is what we are praying over the earth. The Lord our God has a time in mind for all things. We, His children have a privileged place in that time determination as our prayers do affect His decision making. We need to be watching for our Lord's unexpected return as we do our work on this earth because none of us know the unknown day or hour when He will return for us. Judging by how fast things are moving today, it may not be far off.
The cast of characters on the earth are all playing their part. The demon-crat globalists along with their RINO enemies of humanity partners are selling their roles as villains to the "good guy" narrative of the orange man. The only "good" being done these days are the things that advance the Kingdom and Will of the Lord our God. Thats it, nothing else.
Mark 10
17As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
18“Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone.
Glory to God
grace and peace