Wednesday, February 26, 2025

More Orange Man Broken Promises

 1.  Lower food prices at the beginning of his first term

2.  Mass deportations

3.  End the Ukraine war.  He signed a mineral deal and now the war goes on?

4.  Releasing the Epstein Client List.  Pam Bondi had it on her desk and we were told it was going to be "promises made, promises kept."  We are still waiting and according to whistleblowers the list is now being purged.

The orange man does not have to run for another election, now he can do whatever he wants which includes breaking most or all of the promises made to the people.

5.  Drain the swamp-he is draining the old world order swamp while filling his cabinet and government with a new world order swamp.  Maybe its only half a lie because he partially told the truth.

The orange man isnt going to save anyone, he is no savior.  Jesus Christ alone is the Savior of the world.  Why was Trump elected and saved from the "decarbonization" attempt against him then?  He is God's man for God's plan and that plan involves the time of Jacob's trouble sooner than most people thought.

With the advances in AI taking place exponentially and daily it will not be long before the neuralink type mark/implant will be ready for show time.  At the pace of change today, would 3.5 years from now be long enough to have the control grid in place and the mark/implant ready?  At the pace of change we are seeing today, 3.5 years from now is like a lifetime away.  The world may be unrecognizable by then.

Why write this today ^^^?  What is the point?  We do not have as much time as many think we have.  The time to get right and stay right is today, not tomorrow.  Gone are the days when humanity had the luxury of time to be apathetic and complacent.  Those days are over.  Those who remain in their relaxed "we got this" mindset since they have placed all their hope and trust in the orange man, they will be very disappointed very soon.

6.  Nothing done about election integrity because "we don't have to vote anymore".

This servant cares alot less about "being right" than being aligned with the Lord God.  What this servant senses is urgency not complacency.  It is time to wake up.  Its time to jam smelling salts under each nostril until the apathetic slumber has been broken.

Its time to go to work today because nobody guaranteed any of us we get to see tomorrow.

Glory to God

grace and peace