Friday, February 14, 2025

Phase 3 Prayer Over The Nation and the World-Day 26

 So it appears the orange man administration 2.0 has not deviated far from 1.0 when it comes to biowe@pon w@r on the people.  The orange man was the father of the warp speed program to poison humanity and now we hear rumblings of more poison coming our way.  What good are all the other things being done by orange man 2.0 if the population is being v@xterminated? Also there is the questionable use along the same lines of PCR tests to wipe out our food stocks.  This is known flawed science and yet no brakes have been applied by the orange man administration.  Just these two items are two huge strikes against the orange man.

This is why we do not place faith in men.  Yes, we are still praying for him but the same kind of shenanigans that took place during the first term are already raising their ugly heads in the second.  Where is RFK jr in this debate?  Who if anybody among the "good guys" administration is pumping the brakes on this evil?

PS 108

12Give us aid against the enemy,

for human help is worthless.

13With God we will gain the victory,

and he will trample down our enemies.

All this ^^^ is another difference for us who believe between orange man 1.0 and 2.0.  We are praying in the Lord's Will over this nation and the world now.  Any notion that the orange man was some kind of political savior went out the window.  Yes, we believe he is God's man for God's plan but stuff like pushing more mRNA poison is reason to keep any admiration at arms length.

The Church is on this earth today for a reason.  We are to be salt and light on the earth.  We are to do the work we have been given to do in order to bring our Father Glory on the earth.  We are to pray in, bring in the lost that can be saved with however much time we have left.  All of the deception that continues to take place on the earth is reason #1 why you need your own personal relationship with God Almighty.  You need to hear from Him directly.  The deception is rampant and coming in from all directions.

In light of the rampant deception how can we respond?  We can do what we were told to do.  We can yield our will to His Will.  We can pray "Thy Kingdom come and Thy Will be done on this earth just as it is in Heaven."  Yes, that works because God Almighty, All Knowing, All Powerful is not deceived by all the nonsence that surrounds us down here.  We keep our eyes on Him, and He cuts through all the garbage masquerading as "truth" on the earth today.

This is a note of encouragement to continue down the same road we have been on for some time now.  Its all about Him.  Keep your eyes on Christ.  The orange man is nobody's savior, he is just a human with a job to do like you or me.

Please join with this servant in praying in the Kingdom of God on earth just as it is in Heaven.

Matt 6

Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
10Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.

11Give us this day our daily bread.
12And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
13And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
[d]For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

We pray Lord,

Thy Kingdom come and Thy Will be done here on earth just as it is in Heaven.

We pray that You will save us from the enemy's bio terror @tt@cks, their mRNA we@pons of w@r and their AI false gods.

We pray for peace and prosperity to increase across our land and the world.  We pray for a hope and a future according to Your Word.

We pray for ourselves, our families and all the brothers and sisters in Christ, a watching prayer that we will be found watching and ready on the day You arrive unexpectedly for us.

We pray today a hedge of protection over our electrical grid, our water supply, our food supply (esp. the chickens, the eggs, the cattle), all our critical infrastructure and everything else we need to live a quiet, peaceful life in all godliness and holiness. We pray a hedge of protection over Donald Trump, his family, and his administration conditionally, as long as he is serving our good and the good of the Kingdom of Heaven.

We loose the angels who serve our Lord Father and our Lord Jesus Christ to go forth and form a protective wall around all of the resources, services and anything else we need to live quiet and peaceful lives in all godliness and holiness.  We loose you angels to go forth and wage war upon the enemy’s spiritual strongholds, supply, support, finances, their narratives/media/communications, and every other resource the enemy uses to wage war upon humanity and the Church.

We bind, rebuke, restrain every plot, plan, agenda, false flag, terrorist attack, space we@pon, directed energy we@pon, weather we@pon, narrative and other enemy activity used to harm/damage/destroy or otherwise adversely affect this nation and its people.  We bind, rebuke, restrain every attack listed on the false flag list (pinned articles of interest-right side of blog). We pray for peace on earth.  No more wars.  We pray for an end to the war in Ukraine, an end to the war in the Middle East and a full stop prevention of the f@lse fl@gs they have planned to justify w@r against Ir@n.

We ask the Lord our God to stretch out His Hand against all the plots, plans and agendas of the enemy.  We pray that every false flag (or otherwise) plot plan and agenda of the enemy will be exposed and destroyed.

We pray today that we will be found in the very center of our Father's Will for us both today and in the days to come.   

We pray for an end to Communism, an anti-Christ and anti-human ideology from the pit of hell.  We pray that the scourge of Communism be removed from the face of the earth never to return. 

Lord, we pray for our enemies today according to Your Word and Will.  We ask that You will save every one of their souls.  We ask You to turn them from their wicked ways and lead them to make peace with us (Your Church) and You, their Creator. 

We pray for an end to voter fraud of every kind.  We pray for an end to electronic voting machines, election stealing, vote rigging and endless criminal days of introducing fraudulent votes in our nation.  We pray for same day voting and vote counting.  

We pray for wickedness and evil to be exposed, judged and removed from:

School boards


City councils

City governments

County governments

State governments

Court rooms

Colleges and universities

The entertainment industry

The media

The pulpits

The corporate world (big business colluding with evil)

The Federal Government-we pray the deep state will be completely uprooted and destroyed

Every public institution from high to low across the land

We pray for the end of tyranny and oppression in Britain, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand.  We pray for repentance, revival and righteousness to spread across the Islands like a fire.  We believers in America stand in agreement with believers across the world for an end to the tyranny, oppression and wickedness and a return to repentance, revival and righteousness. 

We pray for lower electricity, gas, food, and rent prices.  We pray for a financial/economic miracle for our nation to dig us out of the hole left for us by the demonic globalists.  We pray for our Lord's Blessing, peace and prosperity over our nation.

We bind, rebuke, restrain the satanic blindness that is over the people across the world so they can see how wicked, terrible, ugly and hypocritical the evil is, turn and be saved.

We pray for all people everywhere that their souls are saved.

We stand in the gap for the land today that You Lord will not destroy it nor allow the enemy to destroy it but instead we pray You pour out Your Holy Spirit from east to west and north to south.  A Spirit of repentance, revival and righteousness to drive the darkness out and turn the lights back on in the earth.

We believe we receive it now in Jesus Name standing in agreement with You Lord God Almighty and each other.  We believe we have received what we asked for in prayer right now in Jesus Name.  We give thanks for it.  We rejoice over the hope and the future You have provided for us Lord.  

We believe today, that You have saved the best for last.  Our best days and our greatest victories are still ahead of us.  Today we engage our will to make a decision to trust You.  Today we engage our will and decide to rejoice.  Today we engage our will and decide to give thanks.  Today we pray and we watch in expectation for Your answers.


Glory to God

grace and peace