Sunday, February 23, 2025

Tails-They Win, Heads-You Lose

 The evidence continues to flood in that the orange man is nobody's savior.  This servant was not aware of some guy called Curtis Yarvin who has more or less established the groundwork that the orange man administration is now implementing.  That includes DOGE which Yarvin first called RAGE "Retire All Government Employees."  All the stuff we thought was needed, necessary and seems reasonable-it all comes from a playbook to establish total control over humanity.

Video here.

Article link here.

With this new evidence coming to light it appears 99% probable that the majority of humanity (all sides) are getting played.  Speed of implementation is critical because once the control grid is setup it will be almost impossible to take down (by any man).  Again, this seems reasonable to the common folk as a fight against waste, fraud and abuse but the other side of that sword is technological tyranny.  Humanity is walking a razor's edge right now.

How does this new information jive with what we are praying for?  We are asking for our Lord's Kingdom to come and His Will to be done here on earth.  We know that is coming and we know the path to the 1000 year reign on earth goes through the time of Jacob's trouble.  The only question is "when" this all takes place.

It has been said here that this servant has a mental visual/vision of a rescue mission taking place right now.  His Will being done on this earth, that prayer, that mission and vision is timeless.  We are being called to align and agree with Him, to engage with the fullness of our talents, skills and abilities in the very center of His Will.  That too is timeless.  We are being called to finish strong.  We have time right now, its called today.  How many days we have after today only the Lord knows.  As new information or more "revelation" takes place the shorter time appears to be.

The backdrop to all this tech takeover is whats happening in the Middle East and Israel.  We know that Trump is a type of Cyrus which suggests the rebuilding of the third temple in the somewhat near term future.  We also see the military expansion of Israel, the plans against Iran and ongoing drama over Gaza-all of which sets the stage for the possible arrival of the man of sin on the world stage to "confirm a covenant with many."

Its all right there in front of our face for those with eyes that see.  We have been given a time extension as an act of mercy and grace.  That time extension is called today.  Those talking about years and generations of extension-this servant cannot see that from where he is standing on the wall.  Is it possible that the Lord and His instrument on earth the Church (us) can hold the line against the technocrat tyrannical takeover for years?  Anything is possible with God.  That said, what is being allowed right now at breakneck speed is the implementation of the technocrat control grid under the permissive power of the orange man.

The future "they" have planned for you is working 80 hours per week for Elon or one of his contemporaries in order to justify yourself as "value added" to the corporate world.  That while existing in an all seeing, all hearing AI monitored control grid where every action, every word, everything is monitored and evaluated in real time for "social acceptance" by their new class of god: AI.  It all sounds like hell on earth to this writer, but we are not there yet...

2 Thess 2:3

do not let anyone deceive you in any way, because if the departure may not come first, the man of lawlessness may [not] be revealed—the son of destruction,

"The departure" comes first, before the man of sin is revealed.  That is consistent with the pre-tribulation view of the rapture/harpazo.  And if that is true, then time is indeed very short.  Events are taking place at breakneck speed.  The orange man has only been in office for over a month and look at how far and how fast events have unfolded.

We have posted recently on the incoming destroyer/possible wormwood candidate called Apophis that is scheduled to arrive in April 2029 and backing out 3.5 years from that puts us at October of this year (Wormwood is a mid-tribulation event).  We are not trying to nail down days and hours here, we are trying to establish the shortness of time.  That said, there are no guarantees that the Lord does not pull us out of here sooner.


What do we do with all this information?  It can be overwhelming but what we have to do is not.  We need to put first things first.  He, the Lord our God comes first.  Our relationship, our one on one time with Him comes first.  Actually loving Him, getting to know Him and Him knowing us comes first.  All the other stuff we "do" for Him comes second.  All the work, the "ministry" or whatever comes second after we have established and developed and maintained a loving relationship with Him,  He died for us in love, He expects love in return.  Its not so much to ask in this servants opinion.

As it was outlined here recently, there will be no business partners in heaven-only family.  Those who "sell salvation" in order to enrich themselves and gain power, prestige or whatever else they want to extract from the Kingdom, they can do that and they do but it will not have a happy ending:

Matt 7

21“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

Nobody guaranteed any of us we will wake up in this world tomorrow which means we need to redeem the time today.  He comes first, lets get that right and everything else will take care of itself.  At its highest level what we are living through is a love story.  We love Him because He first loved us.  Thats it, everything else flows down from that.  Lets keep first things first.

Glory to God

grace and peace