Thursday, May 05, 2011

Fall 2011

The big elephant in the room that nobody is talking about (mainstream) is what is coming in this fall:

The Feast of Trumpets is 29 Sept 2011, and all around that date there are indications (for those who are watching) that bad things are going to happen (like massive earth upheaval).

We are to be watching for our Lord's return every day. Could the Lord come back for us sooner than most people think? Absolutely. Am I fearful? Not in the least. The Lord has protected and provided for this writer every day of every year. The same Lord that protects and provides for me, does the same for every true believer. If you are "in Christ" you should not fear. For everyone else, they should take the warnings that the Lord has provided in His Word to reconcile with Him today.

This writer would like to encourage you today. Keep the faith, stay strong for yourself and everyone that comes in contact with you. Encourage each other. Time appears to be much shorter than this world suspects.

grace and peace.