Matt 9
Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
10Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
11Give us this day our daily bread.
12And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
13And do not lead us into temptation, (or trial, tribulation, experiment)
But deliver us from the evil one.
[d]For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
John 17:4
I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do.
Luke 21:
34“But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with [h]carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. 35For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. 36Watch therefore, and pray always that you may [i]be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”
A Prayer:
Lord today brings to an end our Hanukkah rapture watch for 2024. We pray that whether its today tomorrow or any time this year or beyond, we will be found watching and ready for Your return whenever it is You decide to come back for us. We pray for ourselves, our families and all the brothers and sisters that our sins are forgiven and we may be counted worthy to escape all that is about to happen and stand before You. We take You at Your Word when You told us to always be watching and ready because we know not when the time is that You will return. We stand today in prayer and readiness in obedience to the command to always be watching and ready. We stand together in agreement with You and believers everywhere that our prayers are answered. We receive it now and give You glory and thanks for our answer in Jesus Name we pray, AMEN.
So the enemy's opening salvo on New Years day was to terrorize the people of America. "They" also sent a message to the orange man and Elon here. And they are planning more, see here. But all this is old news. The enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy. The enemy is also attempting to keep praying people endlessly distracted with "current events" over the next 4 years so we don't have the time or mental bandwidth to pray. But that strategy is old too. Yes it worked during orange man 1.0 but this time will be different one way or another. This time, if we the Church remain on the earth we will be praying in the Will of God, by the Word of God over the target area battlefield earth every single day with relentless, patient and persistent effort. This time the enemy does not get to play offense 24/7/365 while the population of the earth remains reactionary. Not this time. This time we the Church proact first and react second. This time we stay over the target areas praying down the Word of God and Will of God 24/7/365. This time their spiritual strongholds "get touched." This time all their supply, logistics, plots, plans, agendas, narratives, etc get touched as well.
How? Prayer, fasting, standing in agreement, binding, loosing, etc. If the Church remains on the earth that means the Lord God intends more binding, rebuking, and restraining to take place. The gates of hell will not prevail against the Church. So yes, this time the fight will be much much different than it was before. This time we are praying over the schools, school boards, colleges and universities. We are praying to remove evil and wickedness from the entertainment industry, our court rooms, city councils, city and state governments. We are praying every day for an end to voter fraud, election stealing, electronic voting machines and "counting ballots" for months after elections end. We are praying for the complete total destruction of the deep state, that they are yanked out by the roots by the Hand of Almighty God Himself. We are binding, rebuking and restraining all the false flag plots, plans, agendas, and narratives of the enemy every day. We are loosing the angels who serve the Most High God and our Lord Jesus Christ to go forth and wage war against our enemies who wage war against us day and night.
"They" have already started, but so have we. So, let the games begin! Just dont take your eyes off the target. We are to stay over the targets day in and day out regardless of what kind of commotion the enemy creates to distract us. This time its not just mankind "they" will have to fight. No, this time they will find out what its like to fight Almighty God because we who believe are walking hand in Hand with Him and each other to do all this. The Lord God's Will be done here on earth just as it is in Heaven. And if the Lord God Wills it, and we agree with it, pray over it, stand on it and believe we receive it by faith, who exactly is going to have any success whatsoever opposing it?
ISA 14:27
For the LORD Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?
"They" can try, but lets see how that works out for them.
As we can see from new years day, we now have shots fired both literally and figuratively from the enemy side. So now its really "game on."
We pray today a hedge of protection over our electrical grid, our water supply and all our critical infrastructure. We loose the angels who serve our Lord God to go forth and form a protective wall around all of the resources, services and anything else we need to live quiet and peaceful lives in all godliness and holiness. We ask the Lord our God to stretch out His Hand against all the plots, plans and agendas of the enemy. We pray that every false flag (or otherwise) plot plan and agenda of the enemy will be exposed and destroyed.
We stand in agreement with each other and with You Lord God Almighty today as we ask all these things.
John 17:4
I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do.
It has been the counsel of the Lord each and every new year since 2020 that we the servants of the Most High God step into our calling and election in Christ Jesus by developing/using/leveling up our talents, skills and abilities according to Matt 25 the parable of the talents. Yes, this servant understands talent was a unit of measure of money back in the ancient world. This servant also understands the happy "coincidence" for us who speak English that the parable's meaning revolves around us using what we have been given to "profit" our Creator. Anyone who believes that parable only involves money and banking is blind and short sighted. We are to put to good use what we have been given, not only monetary resources but everything else as well which includes modern day "talents" skills and abilities.
This brings us back to John 17:4. The Lord finished His work on the earth, and we are to finish ours as well. We pray today that we will be found in the very center of our Father's Will for us both today and in the days to come. We pray that on the day we stand before the Lord God we will not be disappointed when we find out what the Lord had for us to do and we measure what we actually did against it. We want to finish all of it. We want to do all of it. We want to accomplish all that we were created to do and we pray that we will accomplish all of it. We pray that we will be told well done good and faithful servants when we enter the Kingdom of Heaven:
Matt 25
“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
Part of all this being written today is us leveling up our talents, skills and abilities so we can be the best version of ourselves today. It will require the best version of ourselves to accomplish the best version of our Lord's mission and vision for us.
Today is the last day of Hanukkah rapture watch 2024 but we are expected to always be watching and ready for the unexpected return of the Lord Jesus Christ so we intend to continue a high level of watchfulness and readiness into the indeterminate future. This servant sees the earth prepared for the time of Jacob's trouble so its nonsensical to stop increased watching and readiness now for any reason.
We do not have to predict anything. That is not our job. Our job is to be watching and ready which we intend to do to the utmost to the Glory of the Lord God our Father in Heaven. Every day we remain on this earth we have a job to do and a mission/vision to do it.
We have a job to do to restrain rot, decay, and darkness in this world. That is what salt and light does. And we have a job to do to pray in the Will of God and the Kingdom of God here on earth just as it is in heaven per the Lord's prayer in Matt 9. The Lord's will is that all people everywhere be saved so we stand in agreement with that today and pray it into existence here on earth. Along those same lines we bind, rebuke, restrain the satanic blindness that is over the people so they can see how rotten, hypocritical and ugly the evil is, turn and be saved. These last two items will in themselves transform the landscape by turning more lights on and thus driving more darkness out.
We have alot of work to do. We pray for an end to Communism, an anti-Christ and anti-human ideology from the pit of hell. We pray that the scourge of Communism be removed from the face of the earth never to return. We believe we receive it now in Jesus Name standing in agreement with the Lord God and each other.
We are not waiting till 2028 to watch the enemy steal another election. We put an end to the election fraud right now today in agreement with each other and the Lord God who hates unjust scales and measures (election fraud). We are going to pray our Father's will and our will aligned with His will day in and day out until we see what we have been praying for with our eyes on this earth. We will stay over the target relentlessly persistent in prayer and promises until we see the delivery on every prayer and promise.
Yes, this time its going to be different. No more unopposed ground to take over for the enemy. Quite the opposite, we the Church hand in hand with the Lord God are coming for everything the enemy stole/took/whatever from us. We want it all back and paid back with interest. This too is the Will of the Lord God as this servant understands it. The enemy is going to kick, shout, scream and throw a fit as is usual when cast out of anything. But as long as the Lord God Almighty is behind this and directing this, this servant believes "their" chances of success are close to nil.
We remain in a time of high rapture/harpazo watch. While we see the world arrange itself into a tribulation ready place, we would be foolish to not be watching and ready for the Lord's return. That said, we can walk and chew gum at the same time. We can be watching for the Lord's return while at the same time be fully engaged here on earth which is what we plan to do. The plan is to keep our eyes on Christ.
Prov 3:26
for the LORD will be at your side and will keep your foot from being snared.
All this ^^^ is the Will and Word of the Lord as this servant understands it today. Regardless of what happens, this wont be boring :)
Glory to God
grace and peace