1. Another psyop f@lse fl@g narrative sowing operation here. At 11:52 in the video Ms. Adams suggests anyone who questions the establishment is "playing right into @l q@ed@'s hands." Planned homel@nd @tt@ck 45:00-47:00. Now for the money part: @l Q@ed@ in Ir@n starting at 50:00, guess where all the bad guys live now? In Ir@n!!! Who would have guessed? 1hr 31 min, terrorists in this country we have no idea who they are or where they are thanks to Diaper Joe and friends. At time marker 1 hr 23 min, Ms. Adams tell us 1,000 terrorists were trained and deployed to the U.S. and 1,000 to Europe.
Also in there, the narrative machine would not have done itself justice without putting a Russi@ nexus in there so they get some of the blame as well...
All of this ^^^ is blatant enemy narrative machine telling us what they plan to do before they do it. The icing on top of it all is they tell us there is nothing we can do about it and nothing has been done about any of it.
2. This ^^^ is one piece of the puzzle. Another piece of the puzzle is the Chinese intel analysis decoding from what one of the orange man's advisor's already said about oil production goals that an @tt@ck on Ir@n is already being baked into the orange man cake.
3. The orange man and company are directly responsible for one of the most heinous @tt@cks on humanity-the scamdemic and its "cure" which were "warpspeeded" under his watch and inflicted on humanity starting under his watch, continued by diaper Joe.
4. Diaper Joe has expended all of his political and other capital and is now a spent dud waiting for the trash heap of history. The American people are tired of non-stop incessant w@rs. That is a problem. The solution is a political candidate with fresh account of political capital that can be spent however "they" want. So, problem one (no political capital left) is solved by the soon to be new administration of orange man 2.0. The next problem that must be overcome is the American people still dont want another w@r regardless who is in charge. How do they solve that?
5. The start a new w@r with the orange man's full political capital account and a pearl harbor style @tt@ck on the homeland presumably by the 1,000 man strong bad guy army that according to psyop central reporter Ms Adam has already been trained and deployed here (see top video @ 1hr 23 min).
A warning was put out long ago under diaper Joe's watch that all of these bad guys coming across the border set the stage for something like this. To give you an idea how bad it could get, a reference to the previous warning post will be included here: The 1997 North Hollywood Shootout. A Video on it here.
Now, the thing to understand here ^^^ is 2 men, TWO men with AKs and body armor locked down an entire American city all day. "They" are warning us about 1,000 already trained and deployed here? If two men could do what they did in 1997, what could 1,000 do today in a coordinated @tt@ck with deep st@te funding and training?
In order to get "their" new w@r with Ir@n they are going to have to do something that shocks the conscience. Take the 1997 N Hollywood @tt@ck and multiply it by 500X and "they" get their ticket to w@r- courtesy of the orange man's fresh political capital account and a well planned and coordinated f@lse fl@g under his watch.
We need to pray.
We, the Church of Jesus Christ bind, rebuke, and restrain any and every f@lse fl@g attack that is in any way linked to, blamed on or has any nexus whatsoever with Ir@n. We pray Lord God that you will protect our cities and our people from the evil wicked plans of the enemy to kill, steal and destroy in our nation and around the world. We pray a hedge of protection over every American city and every city in Europe that has been targeted for this upcoming enemy f@lse fl@g. We loose the angels who serve our Lord Jesus Christ and our Father in heaven to go forth and expose and destroy the enemy's terror network from high to low, north to south and east to west. Destroy their funding, their communications and logistics, their planning and all of their resources.
Lord we thank You in advance for warning us of exactly what the enemy plans to do before they do it. We stand in agreement with you and praying, believing people around the world that the enemy's false flag network and capability will be exposed and destroyed never to rise again while the Church is watching on the wall.
This one is serious. If "they" were able to pull it off it would be devastating. Its going to take an act of God to stop it. Good news is, it has been exposed and now we stand in agreement with each other and the Lord God that it will be stopped in its tracks and destroyed. We take authority over every enemy attack plot and plan according to the authority of the Word of God in Luke 10:19 and our standing in our Lord Jesus Christ we command every enemy attack plot, plan and agenda to cease and desist.
We will be adding this one to the false flag list as the provocation to attack Iran.
Glory to God
grace and peace