We are not out of the woods yet. Brother Cahn posted a video recently that reiterates where we are and what we must do. Brother Cahn believes the lightning that struck on New Years eve in DC and NY were warnings from the Lord God. Brother Cahn also suggests that the time we find ourselves in is critical, and we might not get another chance in our lifetime to do what needs to be done now. This servant agrees with 100% of what brother Cahn says in his video. These are the same things this servant hears from the Lord on a daily basis, including today.
This ^^^ is why we have upped our watching and readiness for the unexpected return of the Lord. The decision has not been made yet whether we are going to stay for the rescue mission on earth or get pulled up to the clouds to meet the Lord in the rapture/harpazo. It could still go either way. In light of that fact we continue to pray watching and readiness prayers each and every day (in the next post).
The theme the Spirit of the Lord is on recently (including this morning) is agreement and alignment.
All of these repetitive patterns on the clock ^^^ that some of us see almost daily are reinforcing this point of agreement and alignment. Agreement and alignment with what? With this:
Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
10Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
11Give us this day
our daily bread.
12And forgive us our
As we forgive our debtors.
13And do not lead us into
temptation, (or trial, tribulation, experiment)
But deliver us from the evil one.
[d]For Yours is the kingdom and the power and
the glory forever. Amen.
This agreement and alignment with His Will and His Word is critical for both the catching away, escape from all that is about to happen rapture/harpazo, as it is for accomplishing our mission for the Kingdom of God on this earth. Which leads to the next point. How are we agreeing and aligning with Him?
1. We make a decision to do it. We pray it in "Lord I stand in agrement and alignment with You, Your Will and Your Word today."
2. We offer ourselves as living sacrifices today. (Romans 12).
3. We yield our will to His Will, we step aside, open the door, give permission to Him to use our body, soul, spirit, present, future and past to do His Will on this earth.
4. Fasting is a combat multiplier, it ties in with 2 and 3 above. It is drawing less on this world and more on Heaven. It is denying this world and embracing the real world which is Spirit. It is opening portals of power from Heaven to earth. Corporate fasting multiplies power yet again.
5. Standing in agreement is a combat multiplier (Matt 18:19). When added to fasting we significantly increase our combat capabilities here on earth.
6. Believing we receive what we ask for in prayer-standing on it and not moving off of it ever until we have what we asked for is a combat multiplier. The way the Lord explained this to the servant who writes to you is its like us holding a rope on earth and what we are asking for is in Heaven. Every day we hold that rope and inch it toward us is another day close to getting what we ask for. If we let "the rope" go (our faith/belief for that thing whatever it is) then whatever we were believing for slips away.
All of these ^^^^ are tools in our toolbox. They are tools in our armory to fight the battles before us on earth. The Lord Holy Spirit has opened the armory door and unlocked all the cabinets that hold all the tools. Everything is available to us right here right now. It is time to fully engage each and every day with relentless pursuit of all we are asking and believing for. This will require discipline, patience and perseverance. We will not stop, we will not quit, we will not let go, we will not turn away or disengage until we have received everything we are asking and believing for. And most importantly the things we are asking and believing for today are in alignment and agreement with the Lord God Almighty. And that my friends, is a recipe for success :)
The Lord's will be done here on earth just as it is in Heaven. That's what today is about and what every day must be about moving forward into the future. The enemy plans to do their worst. We plan to do our best. Something has to give :).
Today we stand in agreement with the Lord God Almighty and with each other to do all the Lord our God Wills on this earth. Let it be done according to His Will and His Word.
Keep the faith. Be patient. Be persistent. Be proactive first, praying in the Word and Will of the Lord first. And reactive second, praying down, cutting down, binding and loosing all of the plans, plots, agendas and narratives of the enemy.
As long as the Church is on the earth, evil is being actively restrained by Divine Design and we, the Church are at the very center of it. This year, 2025 is a year of alignment and agreement with the Will and Word of God. That's what we are doing. That is what we should be doing according to what this nobody is hearing from the Lord God.
While we are on this earth, we have alot of work to do. Let's get after it :)
Glory to God
grace and peace