15 days until the inauguration of the orange man. What is going to happen? Is the first seal of Revelation 6 going to be opened? Will the orange man be the rider on the white horse? Is the rapture/harpazo imminent or just days/weeks away? Or, is the Lord planning a longer timeline for the Church on this earth? The servant who writes to you today does not know the answer to all these questions, but he does see the possibilities clear as day. This servant believes it has not been decided yet so it could go either way. That means, we have to be ready for either way this goes.
Yesterday during a walk and talk with the Lord, the Lord asked the nobody writing to you something like "which way would you choose if the decision was left to you?" This servant's answer went along the lines of >> Once we are caught up to be with the Lord forever, that will be forever so we have plenty of time on that side of the equation to do whatever we want (in fact, we have eternity). With that in mind, this servant would choose remaining on the earth a little longer to punish the enemy for all of the evil that has been done, to clean this place up a bit (take back everything), and bring in one more harvest of souls on our watch.
Also, at different times when this servant has asked which way this is going to go the reply was "what are you praying for?" In other words, look to the answer to what you are praying for and expect that even if it ends up being overwritten by a higher Will-the Lord's Will. All that said, this watchman cannot ignore what he is seeing from his standpoint on the wall. The stage is set for the time of Jacob's trouble and it cannot be ignored. Which brings us back to today. We have to be watching and ready for the Lord's return while at the same time praying over the entire battlefield to prepare it for our victory over the enemy.
There are many pieces to the puzzle flying around at once but the impression this servant has is to simplify the situation presented here. The situation is: we want the Lord's Will to be done. We are to stand in alignment and agreement with His Word which is His Will and we are to stand in agreement with each other. Whatever else we are praying, the Lord's prayer comes first. We cannot pray better than that. "Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done here on earth just as it is in Heaven."
If the Lord takes our opinion into consideration in His decision making process then we will likely be around on this earth for a little while longer to clean house and tidy up before we leave. In that case, we want the orange man to succeed in many of the objectives he has advertised for public consumption. But regardless of what he does, the Church will be praying in our Father's will here on earth. That is something we can all agree on, and pray/speak into existence/bind and loose in unity.
We can be sure the Lord God does not want gay port in our school libraries or classrooms (school boards). We can also be sure He is not fond of the election theft/stealing/fraud or the corruption across our government entities from high to low across the land. We can be even more sure He wants evil and wickedness out of the pulpits across the land. Judgement begins in the house of God..
1 Peter 4:17
17For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?
Believers have been given every tool under heaven to clean this place up. If the Church remains on the earth, its time to get busy. The enemy is going to try to do their worst. We expect that and are praying to bind and restrain all of it. Most of our time will be spent with our eyes on Christ praying in His Will and Word over and into this earth.
We can change times and seasons too in negotiation with the Lord our God:
Matt 24:20
Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath.
^^ This right here is an example of changing times and seasons.
Our Lord has always wanted this to be a family affair with us hand in hand with Him doing everything in alignment and agreement.
Even though there is alot going on under the surface, the 50,000 foot view of whats going on is not complicated. We are aligning and agreeing with each other and our Lord in prayer that His Will be done on earth just as it is in Heaven. Yes, this servant believes we get a say in what happens. We have a seat at the table however our Great King has the final say :). So, we have to be ready for His decision whichever way it goes. From this servant's view from the wall, the time around the inauguration will tell us alot about what the Lord has decided. If we the Church end up getting more time on earth it will be time with a purpose. We will not receive more time here to kick our feet up on the table "declare victory" because the orange man was elected then go back to sleep. That is not one of the options on the table.
More time means we are being given the opportunity to finish strong and make things more right than they are now on the face of the earth. While we are cleaning up the mess down here we are to simultaneously be bringing in a harvest of souls. If the Lord tarries it is to give us an opportunity to do (even for a short time) what we should have been doing all along. This means all the corrupt teachers and preachers need to be exposed and dismissed. Yes we can pray for them and we will but no more leading the sheep astray (cleaning up starts with the House of God...). Then we are praying in light and life into this world while we conduct our rescue mission for the souls that can be saved in the time we are given.
That's it, the whole enchilada as this servant understands it today in the most simplified version.
Next post today will have prayers/promises/binding and loosing for the day.
Glory to God
grace and peace