Now is the time for alignment and agreement. This morning this servant woke to the clock at 4:44. Yesterday a glance at the clock was 1:11. This morning it occurred that the clocks are pointing to this alignment and agreement as well. The alignment and agreement are us in alignment and agreement with the Word of God and Will of God on one axis, and with each other on the other axis (makes the sign of the cross). Alignment with the Lord God's Will and Word are where our power is. It is where our results, happiness and fulfillment will be found. Its all right there.
We have been in a preparation stage for years now. We have been prepared and are being prepared for the next stage, whatever that is-rapture or harvest here on earth. In both cases this alignment and agreement are necessary. The focus is on Jesus Christ. He is our agreement and alignment with each other and the Father. It is all of us standing aligned and agreeing in Christ with Christ that have us ready to meet the Lord in the clouds should He be ready for that. It is also our alignment and agreement in Christ and with Christ and each other that will pave the way for success on this earth.
The enemy is going to try to do their worst. We are going to do our best. We are not doing anything alone, its all being done hand in hand with the Lord our God and with each other everywhere possible. This is how we will rule with our Lord Jesus Christ in eternity, now we start practicing it right here on earth.
John 15:5
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
13 days until the inauguration and the stage is set for either the rapture and tribulation or a rescue mission bringing in the lost here on earth. The orange man is surrounded by some very shady characters which now includes globalist poster child Mike Johnson with the orange man's full seal of approval. Also surrounding the orange man is Elon (mark of the best) Musk and Peter Thiel (globalist intelligence arm-Palantir) who will integrate his intel piece of the mark of the beast system with Musk.
Bringing peace to the world is a great thing, its also seal 1 of the book of Revelation chapter 6. Then follows war immediately after in seal 2. Yesterdays post covered the groundwork already being laid right now today with narrative preparation and signaling that "they" want a w@r with Ir@n and the orange man is the one to give it to them. We need to pray against, bind, rebuke, restrain and take authority over the pearl harbor style horrific f@lse fl@g they have planned for us and Europe.
The stage has been set. That is what this watchman sees from the wall today. The caveat to the stage being set is the Lord God's decision on time. He alone will determine when the trigger gets pulled on the time of Jacob's trouble. The enemy cannot force it no matter how bad "they" want it. Also, the Lord God is looking at us, His Church. What do we want to do? Are we going to agree and align with Him to do His Will and His Word or are most planning on kicking their feet up on the table and declaring "problem sovled" like in 2016 then watching the enemy create havoc (to include a stolen election) on the earth for the next 8 years?
We can ask for what we want but ultimately this is a Monarchy and not a democracy :). He is King and we are not. We are His children and He does ask us our opinion, He does watch the condition of our hearts but ultimately the decision is His alone. So, we have to be ready for that decision and we have a decision point coming up soon on/around inauguration day. Is the orange man going to be the rider of the white horse of the first seal of Rev 6? Its possible. Is the orange man the chosen vessel for the anti-Christ spirit to inhabit after the Church/Restrainer leave the earth? Don't know but again it is possible.
We were not told we had to perfectly predict the future but we were told to be watching and ready. This servant is watching and telling you what he sees. And, we all need to be ready for whatever the Lord decides on. This servant has asked for time to see the enemy routed and plundered while at the same time we clean out the nests/hiding places of evil across the land and bring in another harvest of souls at the same time. You can have the same conversation with the Lord, at least offer your opinion to Him. Then we will see what He has decided.
4 years is not alot of time. Every day that the Lord tarries we need to be watching for His unexpected return and at the same time pray in restraint, binding, suppression, rebuke and rejection of the enemy's forces, plans, plots, agendas and narratives. At the same time we are pray for sight for the blind, setting the captives free (destroying the satanic blindness and political oppressive systems that prevent the spread of the gospel). Then we are praying that all people across the earth be saved. We dont have to guess if this is the Word and Will of the Lord, we already know it is. With whatever time we are given here on earth let us stand in agreement with Him and with each other that His Will be done on this earth just as it is in Heaven.
With the Church in alignment and agreement with our God, it will be unstoppable. This reason alone is another piece of evidence for the necessity of the pre-tribulation rapture of the Church. When the Church is doing its job, taking authority and standing on the promises in alignment and agreement with our God, the enemy would never be able to implement their demonic world order system because the gates of hell will not overcome the Church and we have been given power and authority to tread on snakes and scorpions and all the power of the enemy. That is not this writer's opinion, it is the Word of God:
Luke 10:19
Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
end of post today, prayers and promises coming in next post.
Glory to God
grace and peace