The orange man held a press conference to announce a new initiative called "project stargate." Listening to Larry talk about it, sounds about as "great" as "operation warp speed." This all adds up to two fairly large minuses for the orange man and crew:
1. Operation "stargate?" -What is a "gate" and why call an AI project stargate? A gate is something living things go back and forth through. A stargate is something those in the heavens or stars would go back and forth through so "they" are telling us something about what this thing is by its name. Now we remember that the number one candidate for the great deception is "aliens" or demons masquerading as aliens for the world to believe they were the creators and not the Lord God.
That ^^^ is minus 1.
2. Mr Larry Fink in the video talks about all the "good" they are going to be able to do with guess what? Drumroll please.........more mRNA vaxxes!!! Yay!!!! or not. How about we dont want them messing with our mRNA, DNA or any of the other building blocks of human life ever again? We still havent had the orange man come clean on all of the death, destruction and absolutely brutal scientific evidence that has come out now on v@xdeath bio@tt@ck #1 that was rolled out under his watch.
That is minus 2. And this is why we always have to have an eyebrow raised while watching the orange man and company. We are praying for him and we want what is best for the Kingdom of God, the Church and the rest of humanity while he is in office but today's news is indicative of just how late the hour actually is.
For these reasons and many more this servant has been telling you to stay prayed up for the unexpected arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ to pull us out of this place. Many years ago the Lord gave this servant a mental picture if we can call it that of a face pressed up tight into a razor thin piece of glass and the message was we are going to be that close to the Tribulation when we are pulled out/yanked out just in the nick of time.
We are praying every day now a watching and readiness prayer that we who believe, our families and all the brothers and sisters in Christ will be found watching and ready when the Lord returns for us. It could be sooner than we think. In the meantime, our work on earth goes on. While we are here we have a job to do and we intend to do it with every tool the Word of God and Spirit of the Lord provides for us.
Keep the faith, your prayers are paying off. Every day that the enemy did not pull off some ungodly f@lse fl@g or some other @tt@ck on humanity is a great day. If the Lord does come back soon, lets have Him find us with the accelerator buried in the floor board in our attempt to terraform this world back into something acceptable to our Great God.
Better late than never. While the Church remains on the earth we are praying in the Word of God and the Will of God according to our Biblical Mandate found in the perfect prayer found here:
Matt 6
Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
10Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
11Give us this day our daily bread.
12And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
13And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
[d]For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Glory to God
grace and peace